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"For the First Step to Peace is to Stand Still in the Light."
George Fox, Founder of The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

Working For Racial, Social
& Economic Justice

We seek to be an open and inclusive faith community by welcoming all persons regardless of age, race, color, national origin, ethnicity, social or economic background, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, immigration status, or faith background. We welcome single people, couples, and families.

Birmingham Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends fully supports the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and all other Yearly Meetings as plaintiffs in bringing a lawsuit to block the US Department of Homeland Security from allowing federal officials to enter houses of worship to enforce immigration enforcement actions. We agree that armed government agents monitoring or entering our place of worship is in opposition to our religious practices and beliefs. We believe that houses of worship are sacred spaces and that this kind of activity disrupts worship and instills fear. We fully endorse the position that the Court should declare unconstitutional the enforcement policy that has been issued by the Department of Homeland Security.
Approved by Birmingham Friends At Monthly Meeting for Business
March 2, 2025
What Is All "The Buzz" At Birmingham Friends?
Birmingham Friends Youth and Peace and Social Concerns Committees have teamed up to help our small corner of the world address climate change through beekeeping. Learn about the initiative that led to the Birmingham Friends Bee Yard in this video. Please see our Children and Youth Programs page to learn about the Youth and P&SC Committees' work to provide land mine detectors to nations and people who need them.
Upcoming Events & Activities
For more events and info, see our Calendar page.
Birmingham Friends Meeting Fellowship Committee
Taco & Movie Night!
Join Us!
Friday, April 4

All Friends are welcome as the Fellowship Committee is putting on
a taco and movie night! The Movie is BABE - about a Gentle farmer who wins a piglet, Babe, at a county fair. Narrowly escaping his fate as Christmas dinner, Babe bonds with motherly border collie Fly.
This event will take place at the meetinghouse. For more info please contact the office.
Join us!
Birmingham Friends
Book Club
Online and In-Person
Wednesday, April 9
6:30 - 9:00 pm

The Birmingham Book Club will meet to discuss The First Ladies by Marie Benedict and Victoria Murray.
Please join us in person at the
meetinghouse or by Zoom.
For more info contact Marina Pavluk at marinapavluk1@gmail.com
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Families Welcome!
Birmingham Friends
Annual Easter Egg Hunt!
Sunday, April 20
Following Worship

Join us for this fun annual Spring tradition!
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For Birmingham Friends Meeting to continue to operate as a spiritual home, a place of worship, a caring community, and a source of inspiration to live with love, compassion, and justice toward others, it depends on the ongoing financial support of its members, attenders, and well-wishers. Click the link below if you would like to make a contribution in support of our ongoing operations.
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